Career & Technical Education
- CTE Concentrator: Class of 2023-2024 - C average or higher in at least 2 advanced HS courses in a state-approved CTE Pathway
- Class of 2025 and Beyond - C average or higher in Required NLPS Concentrator Courses in a state-approved CTE Pathway (Principles, Concentrator A, & Concentrator B)
Our Programs
- Accounting
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- Culinary Arts
- Digital Design
- Education Careers
- Engineering - Project Lead The Way
- Fire & Rescue
- Pharmacy Tech
- Radio & TV Broadcasting
- Marketing and Sales
Principles of Business Management (4562)
Principles of Business Management examines business ownership, organization principles and problems, management, control facilities, administration, financial management, and development practices of business enterprises. This course will also emphasize the identification and practice of the appropriate use of technology to communicate and solve business problems and aid in decision making. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Accounting Fundamentals (4524)
Accounting Fundamentals introduces the language of business using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and procedures for proprietorships and partnerships using double-entry accounting. Emphasis is placed on accounting principles as they relate to both manual and automated financial systems. This course involves understanding, analyzing, and recording business transactions and preparing, analyzing, and interpreting financial reports as a basis for decision-making.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Advanced Accounting (7307)
Advanced Accounting expands on GAAP and procedures for various forms of business ownership using double-entry accounting covered in Accounting Fundamentals, including an emphasis on payroll accounting. Topics covered include calculating gross pay, withholdings, net pay, direct deposits, journalizing payroll transactions and preparing individual earnings records and payroll registers.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management; Accounting Fundamentals
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Computer Science
Principles of Computing (7183)
Principles of Computing provides students the opportunity to explore how computers can be used in a wide variety of settings. The course will begin by exploring trends of computing and the necessary skills to implement information systems. Topics include operating systems, database technology, cybersecurity, cloud implementations and other concepts associated with applying the principles of good information management to the organization. Students will also have the opportunity to utilize basic programming skills to develop scripts designed to solve problems.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Topics in Computer Science (7351)
Topics in Computer Science is designed for students to investigate emerging disciplines within the field of computer science. Students will use foundational knowledge from 7183 Principles of Computing to study the areas of data science, artificial intelligence, app/game development, and security. Students will utilize knowledge related to these areas and programming skills to develop solutions to authentic problems.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Computing
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Computer Science (7352)
Computer Science introduces the fundamental concepts of procedural programming. Topics include data types, control structures, functions, arrays, files, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging. The course also offers an introduction to the historical and social context of computing and an overview of computer science as a discipline.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Computing; Topics in Computer Science
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Criminal Justice
Principles of Criminal Justice (7193)
Principles of Criminal Justice covers the purposes, functions, and history of the three primary parts of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, courts, and corrections. This course further explores the interrelationships and responsibilities of these three primary elements of the criminal justice system. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Law Enforcement Fundamentals (7191)
This class examines the history and nature of perspectives in criminology, and the theories found within those perspectives and connects them with the criminal justice system. Demonstrates the application of specific theories to explain violent and non-violent criminal behavior on both the micro and macro levels of analysis. This course will introduce fundamental law enforcement operations and organization. This includes the evolution of law enforcement at federal, state, and local levels. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Criminal Justice
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Corrections & Cultural Awareness (7188)
Corrections and Cultural Awareness emphasizes the study of American criminal justice problems and systems in historical and cultural perspectives, as well as discussing social and public policy factors affecting crime. Includes the history and development of correctional policies and practices, criminal sentencing, jails, prisons, alternative sentencing, prisoner rights, rehabilitation, and community corrections. Current trends related to the criminal justice system are discussed. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Criminal Justice; Law Enforcement Fundamentals
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Culinary Arts
Principles of Culinary & Hospitality (7173)
Principles of Culinary and Hospitality is designed to develop an understanding of the hospitality industry and career opportunities, and responsibilities in the food service and lodging industry. Introduces procedures for decision making which affects operation management, products, labor, and revenue. Additionally, students will learn the fundamentals of food preparation, basic principles of sanitation, service procedures, and safety practices in the food service industry including proper operation techniques for equipment. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Nutrition (7171)
Nutrition students will learn the characteristics, functions and food sources of the major nutrient groups and how to maximize nutrient retention in food preparation and storage. Students will be made aware of nutrient needs throughout the life cycle and to apply those principles to menu planning and food preparation. This course will engage students in hands-on learning of nutritional concepts such as preparing nutrient dense meals or examining nutritional needs of student athletes. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Culinary and Hospitality
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Culinary Arts (7169)
Culinary Arts teaches students how to prepare the four major stocks, the five mother sauces (in addition to smaller sauces) and various soups. Additional emphasis is placed on the further development of the classical cooking methods. This course will also present the fundamentals of baking science including terminology, ingredients, weights and measures, and proper use and care of equipment. Students will produce yeast goods, pies, cakes, cookies, and quick breads. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Culinary and Hospitality; Nutrition
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Digital Design
Principles of Digital Design (7140)
This class introduces students to fundamental design theory. Investigations into design theory and color dynamics will provide experiences in applying design theory, ideas and creative problem solving, critical peer evaluation, and presentation skills. Students will have the opportunity to apply the design theory through an understanding of basic photographic theory and technique. Topics will include image capture, processing, various output methods, and light.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Digital Design Graphics (7141)
This class will help students to understand and create the most common types of computer graphics used in visual communications. Skills are developed through work with professional software used in the industry. Students will be introduced to a full range of image input technology and manipulation including photography, digital imaging, and computer scanners. Students will learn to communicate concepts and ideas through various imaging devices.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Digital Design
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Graphic Design & Layout (5550)
Graphic Design and Layout teaches design process and the proper and creative use of type as a means to develop effective communications for global, corporate and social application. Students will create samples for a portfolio, which may include elements or comprehensive projects in logo, stationery, posters, newspaper, magazine, billboard, and interface design.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Digital Design; Digital Design Graphics
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Education Careers
Principles of Teaching (7161)
This course provides a general introduction to the field of teaching. Students will explore educational careers, teaching preparation, and professional expectations as well as requirements for teacher certification. Current trends and issues in education will be examined. A minimum 20 hour classroom observation experience is required for successful completion of this course.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Child & Adolescent Development (7157)
This class examines the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and moral development of the child frm birth through adolescence with a focus on the middle years through adolescence. Basic theories of child development, biological and environmental foundations of development, and the study of children through observation and interviewing techniques are explored. The influence of parents, peers, the school environment, culture and the media are discussed. An observation experience up to 20 hours may be required for completion of this course.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Teaching
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Teaching & Learning (7307)
Teaching and Learning provides students the opportunity to apply many of the concepts that they have learned throughout this pathway. In addition to a focus on best practices, this course will provide an introduction to the role that technology plays in the modern classroom. Through hands-on experience students will analyze ways to integrate technology as a tool for instruction, evaluation, and management.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Teaching; Child and Adolescent Development
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Engineering - Project Lead The Way
Introduction to Engineering Design (4802)
Introduction to Engineering Design is a fundamental pre-engineering course where students become familiar with the engineering design process. Students work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using industry standard sketches and current 3D design and modeling software to represent and communicate solutions. Students apply their knowledge through hands-on projects and document their work with the use of an engineering notebook. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 9, 10, 11
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Principles of Engineering (5644)
Principles of Engineering is a course that focuses on the process of applying engineering, technological, scientific and mathematical principles in the design, production, and operation of products, structures, and systems. This is a hands-on course designed to provide students interested in engineering careers to explore experiences related to specialized fields such as civil, mechanical, and materials engineering. Students will engage in research, development, planning, design, production, and project management to simulate a career in engineering. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11
Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Digital Electronics (5538)
Digital Electronics is a course of study in applied digital logic that encompasses the design and application of electronic circuits and devices found in video games, watches, calculators, digital cameras, and thousands of other devices. Instruction includes the application of engineering and scientific principles as well as the use of Boolean algebra to solve design problems. Students will use computer software that reflects current industry standards. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design; Principles of Engineering
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Fire & Rescue
Principles of Fire & Rescue (7195)
Principles of Fire and Rescue introduces students to the various roles that firefighters and emergency services workers play to protect the public from the loss of life and property. This course will introduce students to the history, terminology, and basic firefighting skills needed for a beginning firefighter. Additionally students will develop a career plan for a career in public safety; including areas of Fire Science, Homeland Security, and Emergency Medical Services. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Fire Fighting Fundamentals (7189)
Fire Fighting Fundamentals is for those students who are seeking certification as a firefighter. This course will prepare students for the Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations certifications and will introduce students to NFPA 1001 which serves as the standard of measurement for all fire fighters in North America. Students will learn the knowledge and hands-on practical skills for managing and controlling a hazardous materials incident required for the certifications.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Fire and Rescue
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Advanced Fire Fighting (7186)
Advanced Fire Fighting expands upon the principles and techniques of firefighting learned in Fire Fighting Fundamentals. Students will study fire protection systems, firefighter safety and survival. Students will also learn what fire is, the chemical hazards of combustion, and related by-products of fire. Additionally, students will gain a better understanding of fire department organization, administration, operations, and basic strategies and tactics.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: : Principles of Fire and Rescue; Fire Fighting Fundamentals
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Pharmacy Tech
Principles of Pharmacy Tech (7137)
Principles of Pharmacy Tech is an introduction to the principles of pharmacotherapy including basic pharmacology, medication management, and safety. Students will be introduced to various systems of the human body and the most important drugs affecting these systems. Students will develop an understanding of drug classes and their mechanism of action when prescribed for a particular disease state. This course will also introduce the essential mathematical concepts and skills needed for pharmacy practice. Students will be introduced to metric, avoirdupois, and apothecary systems of measurements. Other calculation methods that will be studied are ratio and proportion, dimensional analysis, and calculations for compounded products.
Recommended Grade(s): 9, 10, 11
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Healthcare Fundamentals (5274)
Healthcare Fundamentals prepares students with language skills necessary for effective, independent use of health and medical reference materials. Students have the opportunity to acquire essential skills for accurate and logical communication, and interpretation of medical records. Emphasis is on forming a foundation of a medical vocabulary including; appropriate and accurate meaning, spelling, and pronunciation of medical terms, and abbreviations, signs, and symbols. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Pharmacy Tech
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Pharmacy Tech (7307)
This course introduces the student to the foundational principles, career concepts, and entry-level skills and duties typically performed by a pharmacy technician. Classroom and lab activities provide opportunities for demonstration of knowledge, understanding, and proficiency in technical and customer service applications related to the role and scope of practice of a pharmacy technician. Essential pharmacy calculations are presented with emphasis on the development of problem-solving skills for safe pharmacy practice.
Recommended Grade(s): 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Healthcare; Healthcare Fundamentals
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Radio & TV Broadcasting
Principles of Broadcasting (7139)
The purpose of the Principles of Broadcasting course is to provide entry-level fundamental skills for students who wish to seek or pursue opportunities in the field of broadcasting or mass media. Students will explore the technical aspects of audio and sound design for radio production and distribution, as well as, the technical aspects of video production and distribution.
Recommended Grade(s): 9, 10, 11
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Audio & Video Production Essentials (7306)
Audio and Video Production Essentials provides an in-depth study on audio and video production techniques for radio, television, and digital technologies. Students will learn skills necessary for audio production and on-air work used in radio and other digital formats. Additionally, experience will be gained in the development of the video production process; including skills in message development, directing, camera, video switcher, and character generator operations.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Broadcasting
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Mass Media Production (7307)
Mass Media Production will focus on the study of theory and practice in the voice and visual aspects of radio and television performance. In addition, this course introduces the skills used to acquire and deliver news stories in a digital media format. Students will learn how to research issues and events, interview news sources, interact with law enforcement and government officials, along with learning to write in a comprehensive news style.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Broadcasting; Audio and Video Production Essentials
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Principles of Healthcare (7168)
Principles of Healthcare content examines skills common to specific health career topics such as patient nursing care, dental care, animal care, medical laboratory, public health, and an introduction to healthcare systems. Lab experiences are organized and planned around the activities associated with the student’s career objectives. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 semesters, 2 credits
Healthcare Fundamentals (5274)
Healthcare Fundamentals prepares students with language skills necessary for effective, independent use of health and medical reference materials. Students have the opportunity to acquire essential skills for accurate and logical communication, and interpretation of medical records. Emphasis is on forming a foundation of a medical vocabulary including; appropriate and accurate meaning, spelling, and pronunciation of medical terms, and abbreviations, signs, and symbols. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Healthcare
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
CCMA (7164)
The Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) course will prepare students for the National Healthcare Association CCMA exam. Instruction includes taking and recording vital signs, preparing patients for examination, patient education, and assisting the physician during the exam. The collecting and preparation of laboratory specimen and basic laboratory testing will be covered. The course prepares students for the administration of medication, venipuncture, ECG, and wound care and provides a basic understanding of the clinical and administrative duties and responsibilities pertinent to medical offices. Instruction in medical correspondence and records, case histories of patients, filing, telephone procedures, appointment scheduling, receptionist duties, and processing mail is also included. Written, verbal, and nonverbal communications according to patient needs are covered as well as documentation and associated legal and ethical boundaries.
Recommended Grade(s): 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Healthcare; Healthcare Fundamentals
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Marketing and Sales
Principles of Business Management (4562)
Principles of Business Management examines business ownership, organization principles and problems, management, control facilities, administration, financial management, and development practices of business enterprises. This course will also emphasize the identification and practice of the appropriate use of technology to communicate and solve business problems and aid in decision making. Dual Credit Option.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Marketing Fundamentals (5914)
Marketing Fundamentals provides a basic introduction to the scope and importance of marketing in the global economy. Course topics include the seven functions of marketing: promotion, channel management, pricing, product/service management, market planning, marketing information management, and professional selling skills. Emphasis is marketing content but will involve use of oral and written communications, mathematical applications, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills through the development of an integrated marketing plan and other projects.
Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
Digital Marketing (7145)
Digital Marketing provides an introduction to the world of e-commerce and digital marketing media. The course covers how to integrate digital media and e-commerce into organizational and marketing strategy. Students will explore e-commerce applications and the most popular digital marketing tactics and tools. Emphasizes familiarity with executing digital media, understanding the marketing objectives that digital media can help organizations achieve, and establishing and enhancing an organization’s digital marketing presence.
Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
Prerequisites: Principles of Business Management, Marketing Fundamentals
Credits: 2 Semesters, 2 credits
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