English Language Learners
Vision & Mission
Our vision:
The vision of the EL Department is to ensure that English Learners whose first language is not English develop linguistic, cognitive, and academic skills to participate in an academically rigorous setting and become competitive citizens of our society; through respecting and building upon the unique cultural and linguistic attributes they bring to our learning community.
Our mission:
The mission of the EL Department is to provide ELs with second language instruction that will lead them to English language proficiency and enable them to participate equitably in both social and academic settings.
- How is a child identified for ELL services?
- What type of services do ELL student receive?
- How can we support learning English in our home?
- When does a student exit the ELL program?
How is a child identified for ELL services?
What type of services do ELL student receive?
How can we support learning English in our home?
When does a student exit the ELL program?
- CHS - Estela Nuñez & Josephine Hernández
- Block - Verónica Ayala
- McKinley - Ruzica Hamilton
- Washington/Lincoln - Martha Purcell
- Harrison - Ava Bell
ELL Resources
Helpful ELL Terms
ELL - English Language Learner
ESL - English as a Second Language
WIDA - World Class Instructional Design Assessment https://wida.wisc.edu
ILP - Individualized Learning Plan - a support plan for each ELL student to ensure their academic success