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About SCEC

School City of East Chicago (SCEC) is a K-12 public school corporation serving ~3,356 students in East Chicago, Indiana.  Seven total schools make up SCEC, including 4 elementary schools, 1 middle school, 1 pre-k center and 1 high school. Our SCEC Team consists of ~600 staff members, including teachers, teacher’s aides, guidance counselors, social workers, administrators and support staff.

Located in East Chicago, Indiana, situated in an urban community and located near the beautiful Lake Michigan and 37 miles from downtown Chicago, IL. East Chicago is home to over 27,000 residents.  With a combination of new economic and social initiatives, great energy radiates from our city on the lake.  Rich in culture and tradition, East Chicago was Incorporated in 1893 as a railroad and steel town.  East Chicago was one of the Northwest Indiana Region’s first industrial cities, created to meet the needs of its workers.

Our mission

The School City of East Chicago is committed to developing a community of life-long learners who are empowered to access, process, evaluate, and ethically apply information in an ever-changing global society.


The schools throughout East Chicago are a dynamic, motivating, flexible, and cooperative community of students, parents, educators, residents, agencies, and business learning, dialoguing, and sharing.