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Attendance Call Off

Press 1 for Central HS

Press 2 for Block MS

Press 3 for Carrie Gosch

Press 4 for Harrison

Press 5 for Lincoln

Press 6 for McKinley

Press 7 for Washington

There is a new Attendance Call Off line to report your student absent from school.  You will be prompted to press a number corresponding to the school you are calling off.

Dial (219) 391-4500 - Select your school

SCEC Attendance Policy

SCEC students are required to comply with attendance requirements established by both Indiana statute and City of East Chicago ordinance. The School City of East Chicago, in compliance with the Indiana Department of Education attendance policy, requires each student to attend school during at least 95% of the scheduled instructional days. Therefore, students are only allowed to miss nine (9) days in one school year. This includes BOTH excused and unexcused absences. Student attendance records are kept as part of the student’s academic transcript.