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Family Resource Center

Welcome to the Family Resource Center! Every school has a place that is set aside for the purpose of making school accessible and helpful to family members, while encouraging involvement in their child’s learning, known as a Family Resource Center. Parents and guardians are welcome to come in and talk to a Teacher Liaison; your direct link to the school and all the resources! Get information about events, volunteer opportunities, community resources, health care options, and so much more, designed to support parents and provide them with the tools, knowledge, and skills they need to further enable their children to be successful and complete their education. Friendly Parent Liaisons are available to answer any questions and help parents and guardians get the information they desire. The School City of East Chicago Family Resource Center’s provide:

  • a place where parents and guardians can get information on a variety of topics and programs
  • information on a variety of community resources
  • a meeting place for parents
  • a place where parents are always welcome                    

For more information, please contact the Teacher Liaison at your child’s school, who is happy to help you!

Each school has a teacher liaison to help parents and guardians get information and resources. Below is a list of each school's teacher liaison and their contact information.

Teacher Liaisons

Bilingual Family Outreach Coordinators

Linking school, community and parental involvement together
  • Primary goal is to translate/interpret both written and verbal communication
  • Effectively communicate with parents/families (Migrant/EL families)
  • Provide additional supports addressing identified student population needs (EL, Migrant Students, Bilingual students/families) and assist in preventing, as much as possible, language from being a communication barrier.
  • Help with community partners at the Parent Cafe at the Carrie Gosch Early Learning Center

Bilingual Coordinator Contact Information

Erica Baisley 219-378-7318
Elizabeth Camacho 219-354-9167
Arnoldo Carrillo

219-391-4081 ext. 270207


Parent Complaints

1.  The School Board recognizes the teacher's lawful status of in loco parentis.
2.  Each school shall have signs posted near each entrance informing visitors that they must register in the office.  This shall be enforced at all times.
3.  Whenever a parent has a complaint against the actions of any teacher, the principal shall inform the parent of the procedures set forth in this section and arrange a conference between the parent, teacher, and principal during the teacher's preparation period, except that principal may call this conference immediately if deemed necessary.
4.  Should the conference including the superintendent or a designee, principal, and the teacher, only after the parent has made a final request in writing.  This request is to be submitted to the principal in triplicate, who will forward copies to the superintendent and the teacher.  The principal and teacher will submit their views of the incident in writing, as shall the parent.
5.  If the complaint is still not resolved after a meeting with the superintendent or a designee, the parent may request a conference with the Board and all the other parties.  Under no circumstances will the Board receive charges against a teacher by name in its public meeting.
6.  The Board shall hear both sides in private session and make its decision within ten days.
7.  If the Board decides that the teacher was acting properly in the performance of his/her duties, and the parent carries the case to a court of law, the Board will, upon request, provide the teacher with legal representation.
8.  The Union reserves the right to have a representative sit in or any of the above meetings if the teacher so desires.