Health Services
The primary role of the professional school nurse may include, but not limited to, interpretation of medical records, assessment of students’ symptoms, trouble shooting medical devices, health appraisals, health education, active listening, case management, direct care, counseling, advocacy, and health screenings. Our nurses accomplishes this by implementing strategies that promote the health and safety for students and staff. The registered professional school nurse is the health care provider who has the knowledge, education, experience and authority to manage and provide the full range of these health services in the education system.
Our goal is to get the student to school, keep them in the classroom safe and ready to learn. School nurses provide the link between families, health care providers, school staff and community resources. The Parent is responsible for informing the school of medical care that is needed and for completing the medical care plans.
Your child’s nurse is not in the school building during all school hours. Contact the school office for the schedule for each school building.